Friday, September 24, 2010

Wind Farms & Western New York

The town where I now live recently had a rather robust political-legal controversy regarding one farmer's proposal to install a 'wind farm.' It seems to me (although I am not familiar with all the details) that the whole episode was a mess, with the wrong outcome emerging from the ham-fisted attempt by local officials to push the project through over significant (but not terribly persuasive) opposition. The prospects of wind power continue, however, to make their way into local politics. [Look here and here.]

Currently there also is trouble brewing nearby over the proposal to install an off shore wind farm - I live on the shore of Lake Ontario - with people complaining, mostly about spoiled vistas and so forth. [Look here.] Given the option I've heard it said, the opponents would prefer more nuke's along the lake shore. That seems daft to me (think of the still unresolved and probably unresolvable matter of what to do with the waste that such plants generate). And the aesthetic argument strikes me as wacky too. So, this slide show at The Guardian is an especially timely contribution.