Saturday, June 25, 2011

Unfollowed all racism! and her ....

Maybe i'll publish this person from twitter, she is so rubbish. If you following her, now you HAVE TO UNFOLLOWING her. She is annoying because she keeps write many words with "f*ck , d*ck, and many porn words" are available..

Don't be so racism to all asian people, black people, we're one family, we're the same, we're brothers and sisters. I love to be kind but not to this person who always say fucking things and said "i hate ugly people".. So you're not ugly though? You are ugly, look at to your damn dirty style of photo, you're not classy girl and a good  girl. Because check all of her TWEETS ALL ABOUT RACISM and ALL her words are damn dirty! Not classy girl means you're not have any manners to everyone! You are maybe older than me but you can't do nothing to me...

PROVE IT! -______-"

She didn't talk only to me but to all people who mention back her tweets and said that you were wrong about that! She didn't like an opinions, and i bet she is stupid in her school or her study.