Sunday, April 24, 2011

Unique Shoes & Warni colorful Garnish 2011

Aneka model sepatu 2011 karya Yongki Komaladi. (Foto: Lastri/Okezone)

THE lover of style do not be ashamed anymore wear shoes with more daring color choice. Because this year, a shoe with a unique designthat puts the bright palette of more preferred.
Now, the function of shoe fashion is not just a sweetener. In addition totrigger confidence, shoes are also made ​​throughout a person's appearance is more stylish. Even in modern times, as now, the role ofshoes is able to shift into determining a person's status level. It is quite reasonable, especially when the information can be obtained easily via the Internet or mass media that influence the views of Indonesian consumers."Lifestyle of today is much different than the first. Perhaps due to the effect that the information was heralded by the Internet and other media.So most people are increasingly hungry for information, especially with so many smart phones. From there, we can see that the development of today's more daring fashion. Combine creativity and bold in color,"said the famous shoe designer and entrepreneur Yongki LegalKomaladi encountered in his private workshop, Jalan Sentani Raya,Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, recently.
According Yongki, this year many women's choice of shoe models. Call it wedges, ballerina, who is still in pumpsdan flat. Interestingly, most consumers increasingly prefer the concept of "hit-and-color" by usingcolored shoes attractive and eye-catching colors, like fuchsia, blue,purple, turquoise, orange, and red for a fashion or daily routine.Although sometimes, some people still prefer the basic colors like black, brown, white, and beige.Meanwhile, material shoe material that is still a favorite, includingpatent, suede, animal skins, jeans and leather.
"For a breakthrough, China has developed a material motive shoeswood look, but actually made ​​of fiber," said Yongki.

As for the look of heels, this year will grow large and unique trends."This may be influenced by the existence of a lot of indulgence LadyGaga berfesyen uniqueness. And, most of the media contributes to the trend of these shoes, "added the man was friendly.For the accessory shoe, there are a lot of influence metal materials that give the impression gothicnamun impressive.

"Yongki Komaladi in 2011 launched the idea of ​​handmade accessoriesthat are able to create their own trends and make a difference," he added.As for men, he added, trends shoes 2011 made ​​him seem morecosmopolitan with the presence of motifs crack or jeans. Shoe models that are still favorites among sneakers, pumps, dancasual. For color, heis now quite like the idea of ​​gray-colored shoes, blue, orange, andwhite.

"Obviously for us as a seller of art, this is a creative challenge to createsomething different," said Yongki.
Shoes average working models still rely on loafers or pumps. But thedifference in the front of the taper, with a choice of black, red, blue,brown, gray and other colors are eye catching."My advice is to choose shoes, customize shoes with foot size. Make sure the fit and measure its length in order not to seem too 'pincer' toes,"said Yongki.Yongki re-add, stylish young women today do not fit the age. Because the selection of the wrong shoes cause they look like young mothersrather than be themselves."Since the number of cases, in 2011 I was intrigued to create a shoeconcept teenagers. Maybe with a model of ethnic wedges patternedwith a combination of gothic metal, "he concluded.